How to Use CSS Naming Rules Basic Styles Components
Button Input Radio&Checkbox On-off Select Datetimepicker Dropdown
Grid Form
Data Display
Tab Table Pagination Badge Process
Dialog Message Tooltip PopConfirm Loader
Breadcrumb SideNav


You must use javascript to create a dialog.


CallZ.dialog()to open a dialog.

The default dialog contains a cancel button and a ok button. When the cancel button is clicked, the dialog will be destroyed.

Note: Only 1 dialog can be opened at the same time.

Open Dialog

    var content = "Zero-UI is a powerfull UI component framework which includes some global styles and a set of components. Some of Zero-UI's components use flexbox layout. Mainframe browsers and IE10+ are supported. Zero-UI uses font-awesome as icon fonts. v4.7 is recommended. If you don't include it, some components may not display properly. Zero-UI's javascript components require jQuery. v3.0+ is recommended.";
    $('#btn1').on('click', function() {
            title: 'Title',
            content: content

No title

Just don't add thetitleoption.

Open Dialog

        content: content

No buttons

        title: 'Title',
        content: content,
        cancelButton: false,
        okButton: false

No cancel button

You can call the close api in the call back function.

Open Dialog

        title: 'Title',
        content: content,
        cancelButton: false,
        onOK: function(dlg) {

Customize buttons

Open Dialog

You can customize the buttons with theactionsoption.

Theactionsmust be an array.

The Dialog instance will be passed as the parameter of the onClick function.

        title: 'Title',
        content: content,
        actions: [{
            tmplt: '<button class="z-btn primary">Button1</button>',
            onClick: function(dlg) {
                alert('You clicked button1!')
        }, {
            tmplt: '<button class="z-btn default">Button2</button>',
            onClick: function(dlg) {
                alert('You clicked button2!')
        }, {
            tmplt: '<button class="z-btn red">Close</button>',
            onClick: function(dlg) {

Content is HTML

Open Dialog

Generate the dialog's content from html.

If the dialog contains other components, you can initialize them in theonOpen()function. You can access the jquery object of the dialog content viadlg.el.

    <!-- html -->
    <div id="form" style="display: none">
        <form class="form" style="margin-left: -35px">
            <div class="form-row">
                <label class="form-label col-2">Name:</label>
                <div class="form-control-wrapper col-4">
                    <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control">
                <label class="form-label col-2">Email:</label>
                <div class="form-control-wrapper col-4">
                    <input type="text" name="email" class="form-control">
            <div class="form-row">
                <label class="form-label col-2">Birth:</label>
                <div class="form-control-wrapper col-4">
                    <input type="text" name="birth" class="form-control">
                <label class="form-label col-2">Address:</label>
                <div class="form-control-wrapper col-4">
                    <input type="text" name="addr" class="form-control">
    // javascript
        title: 'Title',
        width: 600,
        content: $('#form').html(),
        onOpen: function(dlg) {


The call back funtions will be called at different phases of the dialog's life circle.

The Dialog instance will be passed as the parameter of the function.

Open Dialog

       title: 'Title',
       content: content,
       onOpen: function(dlg) {
           alert('The dialog will open')
       onOK: function(dlg) {
           alert('You clicked OK!')


Name Type Default Desc
title String null Title of the dialog
width Number/String 50% of the page width Width of the dialog
e.g. 500 or '500px' or '80%'
content Html/String '' Content of the dialog
okButton Boolean true Whether there's an 'OK' button
cancelButton Boolean true Whether there's an 'Cancel' button
actions Array [] Customize the buttons.
See the examples.
onOpen Function function(dlg) {} Fires when the dialog is opened
param: dlg - The dialog instance
onClose Function function(dlg) {} Fires when the dialog is closed
param: dlg - The dialog instance
onOK Function function(dlg) {} Fires when the 'OK' button is clicked
param: dlg - The dialog instance


Name Return Desc
dlg.close() Close and destroy the dialog