How to Use CSS Naming Rules Basic Styles Components
Button Input Radio&Checkbox On-off Select Datetimepicker Dropdown
Grid Form
Data Display
Tab Table Pagination Badge Process
Dialog Message Tooltip PopConfirm Loader
Breadcrumb SideNav


Zero-UI's select is a replacement of the browser's default<select>. The original<select>or<input>will be hidden, and the selected value can be read from itsvalueproperty.


You must initializeselectmanually.


Generate options from html

The first item will be automatically selected unless you added the attribute'selected'on an<option>.

	<!-- html -->
	<select id="select1">
		<option value="1">Apple</option>
		<option value="2">Orange</option>
		<option value="3" disabled>Banana</option>
		<option value="4">Grape</option>
	// javascript

Generate options via javascript

When the options are generated via javascript, please use<input>as the trigger element.

This will not automatically select the first item.

	<!-- html -->
	<input type="text" id="select2">
	// javascript
		data: [
			{ value: 1, text: 'apple' },
			{ value: 2, text: 'orange' },
			{ value: 3, text: 'banana' },
			{ value: 4, text: 'tomato', disabled: true }


	<!-- html -->
	<select id="select3">
		<optgroup label="Fruits">
			<option value="1">Apple</option>
			<option value="2">Orange</option>
			<option value="3">Grape</option>
		<optgroup label="Sports">
			<option value="4">Football</option>
			<option value="5">Swimming</option>
			<option value="6">Tennis</option>
	// javascript


	<!-- html -->
	<select id="select4">
	// javascript
		data: {
			'fruit': [
				{ value: 7, text: 'apple' },
				{ value: 8, text: 'orange' },
				{ value: 9, text: 'banana' }
			'sport': [
				{ value: 9, text: 'football' },
				{ value: 10, text: 'swim' },
				{ value: 11, text: 'tennis' }


	<!-- html -->
	<input id="select5">
	// javascript
		multiple: true,
		data: [ ... ]

Set initial value via javascript


	<!-- html -->
	<select id="select6">
	<select id="select7">
	<select id="select8">
	// javascript
	// Set initial value
		initialValue: 2,
		data: [
			{ value: 1, text: 'apple' },
			{ value: 2, text: 'orange' },
			{ value: 3, text: 'banana' },
			{ value: 4, text: 'tomato' }

	// Set initial value - the other way
		data: [
			{ value: 1, text: 'apple' },
			{ value: 2, text: 'orange' },
			{ value: 3, text: 'banana', selected: true },
			{ value: 4, text: 'tomato' }

	// Multiple - Set initial value
		multiple: true,
		data: [
			{ value: 1, text: 'apple', selected: true },
			{ value: 2, text: 'orange' },
			{ value: 3, text: 'banana', selected: true },
			{ value: 4, text: 'tomato' }



	<!-- html -->
	<select class="small">

	<select class="large">



	<!-- html -->
	<select class="light">

	<select class="gray">

	<select class="square">
	<select class="round">

	<select class="bold">


Name Type Default Desc
position String '' Direction of the options
multiple Boolean false Multiple or not
data Array/Object null Data for select's options
initialValue String '' Initial value
onChange Function function(value, text) {} Fires when an item is selected
param1: value - the selected item's value
param2: text - the selected item's text


Diable & Enable

	$('#select10').select('disable');  // Diable
	$('#select10').select('enable');  // Enable